It's already April 16th, we've got Volume 16, and we have no idea where the time is going. We did some serious binge-watching this week, and it shows in the Friday Five. So whether you're looking for a new TV show to check out, some movies to catch up on, or some new tunes for when you need a screen break, we've got you covered.
This Is A Robbery
Mystery. Drama. Rare art. Wild accents. If any of the above interest you, then you should check out Netflix’s This Is A Robbery. The four-part docuseries takes a close look at the Gardner Heist, which took place in Boston in 1990, and remains one of the biggest art heists ever. We love a good crime show, and the fact that it took place close to home for us just makes it that much more interesting. Beyond the facts of the case, the series explores a bit of the Boston crime underworld, as well as the global art blackmarket. It is very propulsive, with cliffhangers bridging most of the episodes, but luckily it is a pretty easy binge. And if you’re really looking to make a day of it, This Is A Robbery would probably make a pretty great double feature with The Town, which might have even taken some inspiration from the Gardner Heist. Just in case you’re worried a four-part doc isn’t going to be enough info for you, there’s also a podcast about the robbery. Basically, you could spend your entire weekend with the Gardner Heist, and you definitely wouldn’t regret it.

Here we are, once again recommending a gritty, R-rated superhero show from Amazon. Invincible brings the comic book heroes that have taken over pop culture into the world of adult animation, and the show is not for the faint of heart. Based on a comic by Robert Kirkman, Invincible isn’t quite as dark as The Boys, but it is incredibly violent, and certainly far edgier than any Saturday morning cartoon you’ve ever watched. There are light, fun moments between all the action, though, and the show leans into the animation to work in “physical comedy” that might not otherwise be possible in live action. And while the plot is driven by a shocking twist in the pilot, a lot of the story revolves around the chaos of becoming a superhero as a high school senior. Not to mention it is an absolutely loaded cast of voice actors, from award winners like JK Simmons, Steven Yeun, and Sandra Oh, to comedy legends like Jason Mantzoukas. The show will likely hook you right away, but be warned, you might quickly run out of episodes -- only the first five have been released so far.

LetterBoxd’s Best Needle-Drops of 2020
Few things stand out to us in a movie like a great needle drop. They combine our interests in film and music, and can totally change the vibe we associate with the movie. On top of that, it can change how we hear a song forever, hopefully invoking a great scene or moment in time. LetterBoxd, a social media platform revolving around movies, just released their list of the best needle drops from 2020, and it is fantastic. Plus, they did us the favor of putting them all together into one big playlist on Spotify. Listening through the list reminded us of the great, standout scenes we watched in 2020, like the “Cissy Strut” dance in Another Round, which we put in an earlier Friday Five. It also made us incredibly curious to check out the films that used other songs we like. Don’t you want to know how Steve McQueen and Co. successfully dropped “Kung Fu Fighting” into the award-winning Lover’s Rock? If you’re looking for an auditory tour of 2020 cinema, look no further. And if you’re just looking for some good weekend music, this list has you covered there, too.

Miles Bridges Dunk
Another week, another candidate for Dunk Of The Year. This time, it was Miles Bridges absolutely bodying Clint Capela, and lighting up the internet in the process. Bridges is no stranger to highlight-reel dunks, but this stands out even among his best efforts. He sized up a legit shot blocker in Capela and decided to challenge him, and we can’t help but appreciate that type of confidence. We still can’t quite figure out the physics on how this dunk was possible, but that might just be par for the course on dunks like this. And of course, the announcer losing his mind on the call makes this dunk even more enjoyable to watch over and over again. Just be warned -- you might want to turn your volume down a little before hitting play. While we still have Anthony Edwards penciled in as our favorite dunk of the year, Myles Bridges is giving him a whole lot of competition.

Jak Lizard - “Patty & Lucy”
We dug back into the archive a little bit for our work music this week, but we couldn’t get enough of Jak Lizard’s slow grooving “Patty & Lucy.” It’s a song that immediately levels us out, but there’s still enough of a beat that it can get your foot tapping at your desk. There’s a really cool progression, starting with a simple piano & vocal intro. Then, you get a slow but propulsive bassline, before finally bringing in a big drum part that gets the whole thing moving. The rhythm is almost hypnotic, which is definitely helpful as we grind through new projects. But there’s also enough of a groove that you definitely wouldn’t be mad to hear “Patty & Lucy” come on a few drinks in on a warm summer day. Wherever and whenever you choose to listen to it, this is a jam that we recommend getting into your rotation.